Discussing Parenthood
The day you found our you were going to be a mom
The moment you told dad the good news
Keeping me a secret until the right time
Calling family and friends
Preparations for the nursery
Registering for gifts
Weekly updates by e-mail
Every precious ultrasound
Every beautiful heartbeat
Every silent breath
The memorable vacation to pictured rocks
Racing dad's truck
Every movement and every kick
Celebrating with family
Celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas
Taking me to church
Praying for me
Loving me
Reading to me
Singing to me
The day I was born
The tears you shed
The hour you held me
The last breath I took
The lives I touched
The lives you touched
The lives I changed
The faith you have shown
The love you experienced
The trust you believe in
I felt your touch
I recognized your voice
I will forever be with you
In every gentle breeze
In every silent whisper
In all you tears
I love you so much,
Forever and for always,
Tim that is beautiful, I am already having an emotional day but wow the tears are flowing again.
Tim, I didn't know you could write like that. That was awesome! Addison will always be remembered!
Aunt Mary
Awhh..Very special. Was (and still) thinking about you guys!
wow...that was amazing. She will never be forgotten!
I somehow missed this post. I had never seen your sweet Addison. She's beautiful. It's hard to believe it's been a year already. I remember when I got the call at work last year. She will always be remembered. We love you guys!
Hey Jenn (and Tim and Liam too),
We're finally set up online, so I'm doing some serious catching up on all the news of your beautiful family!
The poem and pictures of Addison are absolutely gorgeous! You guys are amazing!
Lots of love!
Wendi Herrygers (Speese :) )
I dont know you guys well, but read your blog from time to time and pass you at church, but that was beautiful and definatly made the tears flow. Thanks for posting it. She was beautiful!
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