Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Doctor Will See You Now

My parents are currently in Florida on vacation. Yesterday they called to tell me that my dad was not feeling well and they thought he maybe had food poisoning. Well, turns out it was appendicitis and he had to have an emergency appendectomy (removal of his appendix) this morning! So I dressed Liam up as a doctor to send him get well wishes. He is drawing up a dose of get well medicine in the picture below. We hope you have a speedy recovery so you can come home safe.


Meeuwsens said...

So sticken cute as always but your poor dad! What a vacation, eh?

Keith De Witt said...

Not food, he thought it was bad beer.

Ann said...

Awhh..What a little peanut! Too bad to hear about your dad. Scott is looking over my shoulder admiring the photo at the top of your blog. :)

nicole tieri cornell said...

The pic of Liam drawing up the medicine made my day! Darling!